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Dakshinachitra is a non-profit institution run by the Madras Craft Foundation.

It is situated about twenty-five kilometers from Chennai on the scenic East Coast Road near Muttukadu.

Dakshinachitra was started with the intention of showcasing the heritage of India, more particularly South India. Here, one can see heritage homes from Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Karnataka. The center opened its doors to the public in December 1996. The center would not have been possible without the support from the government, liberal donations from the industry and others. The center was the brain child of Dr. Deborah Thiagrajan, who formed the Madras Craft Foundation in 1984.The center was lucky enough to have the services of Laurie Baker, the well-known architect, who conceptualized the whole projectToday, Dakshinachitra displays the glorious traditions of the South Indian Craft Industry. Here, one can go and observe  the weavers, potters, and the craftsmen at their work.The center conducts workshops in traditional crafts like Madhubani Painting, Tanjore Painting, Mysore Painting, an d other crafts periodically for the public at very nominal costs.A diploma in Arts Management is also conducted.Students are admitted into the course lasting for a year, after strict screening. A nominal stipend is paid to the student.

For people who would like to savor the atmosphere at Dakshinachitra, accommodation is available. Air-conditioned rooms cost Rs 900 a day. There is a very good restaurant Kayali,offering South Indian meals and snacks.

Other facilities include a library, an open-air theater,seminar hall, and art gallery.

Visit Dakshinachitra  for more information.

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